Thursday, November 3, 2011


Well ,Kalpita has pushed us in that whirlpool of thoughts.The bitter sweet experiences of love and being loved is definitely a beautiful mix of contrasting feelings...............and each of it true and honest................
'na jao sainya,chhura ke bahiyan................' and 'jate ho jane jana,aakhiri salam lete jana.............' both the songs are different in mood and lyrics but the love and longing in both the songs is so perceptible.
There are days when it's like walking in a beautiful garden ,midst blooming flowers on a sunny day,arms in arms ,sharing all the worries,basking in that feeling of being special for some one.No difficulty looks big enough ,no obstacle unsurmountable.
But then there are rough thorny patches as well.We feel desolate,unhappy,lonely,as if groping in darkness.Nothing seems to work right.It's within reach yet we are unable to touch it.How can this be possible.That heart overflowing with love ,that can it be blind to other's pain and torture.Mind is so full of confusion and heart as if is being shredded into pieces.
It's not only the new lovers' first argument but  even those who enjoy  a harmonious and lasting companionship experience the see-saw of the emotions.
It is often said and believed that in love one partner is always more sincere rather more invested emotionally than the other.The one who is more in love occupies one down position.but i feel  this can not be a static situation. In most of the cases both the partner are equally involved but then time to time depending upon mood and situation this one up and one down position is interchangeable.
Ever played tug of war ..........what?you feel it's all about who is more powerful .Do you think it's all about taking , is drawing other with all the might towards oneself..............closer to heart.Well.that's love.Apparently some actions and reactions might look cruel and rude but may be the lover is trying hard to convey entirely opposite . Sometimes we hurt them most whom we love most.
Pleasure and pain are like two sides of the coin of love.Sufferings and hurt are an essential ingredients of love .Can we recall any love story without pain,without suffering.Still we long for love.To love and long for love is very humane.No ecstasy can evoke that rapturous mood if we are ignorant about agonies.All the roses come with thorns.
so in love we are always in that catch 22 situation.but who bothers.....jitne bhi tu  kar le......sitam,hans hans ke sah lege ham................and i know those who have enough love sustain through the paradox of love rather love gives power to walk through all  the rough patches,to conquer the unsurmountable.


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