Sunday, October 28, 2018

On the wings of words, 
We go around the world 
At the end of voyage 
Slowly folding the wings
Settle down deep within 
The peace of just being me.

while sitting and reading on a bench in Anshu's backyard....columbus...2018
Rising and falling
Rushing and rhythmic
The waves
take me to
shores unknown
voyages undefined,
leave my being
long after they have receded into themselves
and I
stand submerged into depths inside
hitherto unknown to me.
#columbusartmuseum#columbus#ohio #Art #museum

on the wood sculpture in columbus art museum on the floor of a room.....three dimensional wave effect.... 2018
बादलों से हो़ड़ करती
अल्हड़ हवायें
थामने को पवनचक्कियां
खड़ी बाहें फैलाए
यह पकड़म पकड़ाई
यह चुहल किलक
देख खिलखिला रहीं
दसोॆ दिशायें ।
Standing in wide open fields windmills look elegant and imposing. Their solid, sombre looks exudes an aura of strict disciplinary personality. And why not, it is not easy to stand rooted firmly in the realm of free spirited, free flowing winds. Look at those mischievous winds, they dance playfully all around the windmills trying to tickle their outstretched arms. Windmills stand unmoved, rapt in quiet dignity, bearing their playful nudges here and there but once winds start coming with more and more gusto, they roll them around their powerful arms suck in some of their wanton energy and send it to be of use to others.....light spreads around.

looking at windmills on way to Chicago from Columbus.....2018
Wet evening
Rain bathed jungles
A bit slippery, tricky path
Shadowy dusk
Muffled voices from deep within forest
Holding hands
Hearts suffused with warmth
God sure lights up life
In many ways.
हे गणपति, हे गजनायक 
हे गजानन अवतारा 
शांति, मुस्कानों से 
भर दे, घर आंगन हमारा. 
विश्व बंधुत्व भाव बढ़े 
प्रेम रंग रचे जग सारा.
आओ न धरती पर
करने दुष्ट संहारा.
कर दो कर दो दया दृष्टि
हे गजानन अवतारा.

on the occasion of Ganesh chaturthi...2018
Ah! The deliciously sweet smell of freshly cut hay
The symmetrical rows of perfectly packed bundles
The pattern ready to be part of something bigger
Come winter and it will be comfort giver to some home
When outside world will be harsh and cold
Under the glow of a lamp, cocooned in mother’s lap
A child will feel safe and warm
Fragrance of harvest set me on a journey to wonder and joy
The peaceful moment made me slow down
Raveling in the little pleasures around
That weave the greater, the bigger pattern of life

looking at a freshly cut field..somewhere in Ohio state...2018
playing with colours I Feel like a bird with wings outstretched floating effortlessly in the vastness of sky. So many doors shut tightly, padlocked open soundlessly and come tumble out the desires buried deep, the dreams shunned to dark corners, the hurts, the pains, the torments that never found their way to lips, the anger smouldering within and destroying my being. Those Grey's, blacks, browns, these reds, purples, pinks, blues and greens all come out with their own emphatic statements, expressing what I wanted to cry out loudly so many times, on so many occasions. Then they all embrace one another with warmth and turn into that serene, peaceful white. Fresh, sparkling white page lay before me and I am ready to scribble new stories. 

At Read India center, Bada Gaon, Barabanki. art therapy workshop.
Well, I am the gainer all the way.... I let the moment percolate down drop by drop and imbibe it while we are at spot and then relive the entire experience while penning down my feelings with sunder's pictures before me. 
Gazing at those white, majestic, snow clad peaks I was transported to another world --- The world perhaps lying somewhere beyond those lofty peaks or somewhere in the sky above beyond the range of our sight but definitely a world full of serenity, peace and deep quiet. Felt almost in trans. Became oblivious of the world around, oblivious of even myself. As the veil of twilight descended slowly , the sparkling white peak smiled benignly and somewhere there far away in the welcoming arms of those peaks I felt myself melting down........ ah! the peace of being one with the nature.

At Munshiyari...2018 September
Oh those faraway mountain peaks
Those snow-clad iridescent hills
How I love to feel you gently
spreading within me.
I can stand there 
Wrapped in silence
Till eternity
And feel you grow inside me inch by inch.
Like a bird floating in blue vastness
You descend within me
my soul, my entire being become one with you
And I let myself dissolve in your arms
Aah! the bliss of tranquility.

On Nanda devi view point at Munshiyari.