बादलों से हो़ड़ करती
अल्हड़ हवायें
थामने को पवनचक्कियां
खड़ी बाहें फैलाए
यह पकड़म पकड़ाई
यह चुहल किलक
देख खिलखिला रहीं
दसोॆ दिशायें ।
अल्हड़ हवायें
थामने को पवनचक्कियां
खड़ी बाहें फैलाए
यह पकड़म पकड़ाई
यह चुहल किलक
देख खिलखिला रहीं
दसोॆ दिशायें ।
Standing in wide open fields windmills look elegant and imposing. Their solid, sombre looks exudes an aura of strict disciplinary personality. And why not, it is not easy to stand rooted firmly in the realm of free spirited, free flowing winds. Look at those mischievous winds, they dance playfully all around the windmills trying to tickle their outstretched arms. Windmills stand unmoved, rapt in quiet dignity, bearing their playful nudges here and there but once winds start coming with more and more gusto, they roll them around their powerful arms suck in some of their wanton energy and send it to be of use to others.....light spreads around.
looking at windmills on way to Chicago from Columbus.....2018
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